Spells That Are Fucking Metal: Marrow of the Spirit

If Magic-Users are sketchy, disturbed motherfuckers, then why are their potions more Willy Wonka than Walter White? What's the incentive for a power hungry sociopath to make invisibility potions for sale to schmucks they probably view as inferior, when they could push them around and grind them under their heels like they deserve? Basically, here's the crystal meth of alchemy.

Inspired by Agalloch. Wintery, proggy black metal.

Marrow of the Spirit

No./Area Effected: 1 corpse, touch
Duration: Indefinite, duration of effects varies

There is a reason why creatures from the outer planes blather on about devouring souls. Not because of the power within or the suffering it will cause their prey. Because they’re delicious. A spirit is more like a body than most realize. It has its different cuts, its delicacies and its refuse. And deep within it, hard to find and best of all, is the marrow. The effects of the marrow are intoxicating. If any creature smells, touches, or tastes it, they will desire it as strongly as they do air. They may even believe they are dying without it. They will do anything to have it: bargaining, stealing, killing, and anything in between.

Marrow of the Spirit grants the caster the ability to extract this most precious of substances, give it physical presence, and use its power. When cast upon a freshly killed corpse, it allows the caster to roll the corpse’s hit dice. For every result of 8+ one point of Marrow is collected. The caster may allocate points equal to their CL to die rolls. For example, a 3rd level caster would be able to add up to 3 points total to dice rolled however they choose. Each point of Marrow must be mixed with a single hp of the caster's blood and stored in a container. The Marrow can be kept and used indefinitely. It does not spoil, but it does seem to gain some sort of sentience over time.

Marrow can be used to manipulate creatures. When bargaining or fighting for Marrow, they will consider nearly anything a rational option, as long as it does not involve their own death. The user must still communicate their desires, as well as how the actions they are coercing from their victim will help them to get the Marrow they crave.

Uses of the Marrow:
(X is equal to the number of points of Marrow)
  • Offering Marrow in a bargain grants a bonus to social/reaction rolls equal to +X/2
  • The smell allows Xd4 creatures to pass all morale checks for an entire combat
  • Contact with bare skin causes paralysis for X/2 rounds from physical ecstasy, with no save allowed
  • Consuming Marrow will grant Xd4 hp, before causing the imbiber to collapse into a deep torpor for X turns after X rounds
Creatures remain under the control of Marrow for a number of days equal to the CL + Charisma bonus of the user, after which they will decide that violence or subterfuge is a better means of taking the Marrow. The coercive power of the Marrow does not affect those who know the spell.

Miscast Table
The caster draws some of the Marrow into themselves rather than a receptacle and suffers the effects of paralysis.
The Marrow is drawn as normal, but can be smelled up to 10 miles away by animals and monsters with keen senses.
A powerful extraplanar creature (roll on LotFP Summon table) has arrived and is eagerly awaiting and demanding the Marrow the caster is trying to draw. They desire 1 point per HD of the creature in order to sate their need. Any requirements in excess of the amount the caster has will be taken in the form of permanently draining 1d4-2 (minimum 1) HP per point of Marrow.
The caster takes on the appearance of the corpse they were attempting to draw Marrow from until the next full moon.
Unbeknownst to the caster, the Marrow is poisonous and will release a gas when opened causing 2d4 Constitution damage to all creatures within a 10’ radius that fail a save versus Poison.
The corpse will rise again with half of its total hp, hostile to the caster.
As standard Miscast Table result.


  1. Can you explain what you mean by "For every 8+, they collect one point of Marrow" in regards to rolling the creatures hit dice? Don't creatures roll a d8 for each hit dice?

    1. Yes. By rolling the creature's HD, which are d8, it's not automatic to harvest Marrow. It's rare, and works better on stronger creatures than weaker ones. This makes it harder to accrue a massive amount of it and use it for everything all the time.
      Perhaps it would be less confusing to say "for each die that rolls the maximum result, the caster harvests a point of Marrow".
      This method would create an interesting valuation/frequency of Marrow. More common in Magic-Users, Clerics, Specialists, Halflings, and Elves, and less so in monsters, Fighters, and Dwarves.

      Which do you think is best?


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