Spells That Are Fucking Metal: Ocean of Wounds

Sometimes there's just not enough blood. Blood on the ground. Blood on the walls. Blood on the ceiling. Blood on basically everything. Well, here's the solution you've been waiting for! Like all Weird Magic spells, it does not have an obvious, easy application. It's messy, terrifying, has awful consequences, and a very imbalanced power level which can make it either amazing or terrible, depending on how strategically it is used. But basically if you want to rain blood, well, here you go.

Ocean of Wounds

No./Area Affected: 10’ x CL area up to a range of 10’ x CL 

Duration: Until ended by caster.

The suffering of the world is not fleeting. It is not past, not gone; it persists to pollute the world over 

eons. Its crushing id is perceptible in dark moments and brushes with death. It is an ocean in which all 

things will drown, choking. Ocean of Wounds opens this glut of gore and pain, releasing it back into the 

delicate, placid plane of reality. 

The caster may target an area up 10 square feet x CL at a range up to 10’ x CL. Objects and creatures 

within the area are selected randomly, manifesting ragged gashes, weeping sores, tangles of severed 

veins and mangled organs. Blood, bile, pus, acids, and other fluids (at the Ref’s discretion) issue forth, 

slicking the ground and filling the area. After 1 round the entire area will be covered in liquid, and will 

continue to fill until the spell is ended by the caster. Exposure to the Ocean of Wounds carries a high 

risk of contracting illness or disease.

A wound in a living creature inflicts 1d6 Constitution damage per round. The caster can safely maintain 

the spell for 1 round per level of the caster, after which they must save versus Magic each round or 

manifest a wound on their own body. If a creature’s Constitution is reduced to zero, they are killed and 

can only be revived by magical means.

Miscast Table


Spell fails. Instead of manifesting wounds, a gigantic amniotic sac envelops the area. Living 

creatures within it metamorphose into terrifying fetal monstrosities, permanently gaining 1HD 

each turn. Their Charisma and Intelligence are halved each round, to a minimum of 1. Their 

forms are determined by the Ref. 


Spell fails. Writhing masses of gigantic tapeworms, blood parasites and maggots. They whisper, 

speaking the true names of demons and wizards and other secrets jealously guarded.


Spell fails. A random creature’s organs are animated and burst through their host’s flesh, writhing 

with lamprey mouths to satisfy a lust for gore.


As normal, but the caster is afflicted by hemophilia for 2d4 days, suffering 1d4 additional damage 

whenever they lose blood or are wounded by slashing or piercing weapons.


As normal, but fluids are incredibly acidic, dissolving organic and inorganic matter alike into a 

pit of expanding quicksand-like goo until the spell ends.


As normal, but the caster is automatically affected. The manifested wound does not disappear 

when the spell is ended, it must instead be cauterized.


As standard Miscast Table result.


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