Don't join the illuminati through my comment section... (w/ bonus NPC)


Yup, I have the best chatbots. This has been going on for quite some time. Either the rest of you OSR bloggers are more fastidious in maintaining your comments, or I have done something to attract the attention of the great esoteric order of the cyber-illuminati. This really is great entertainment (for me at least). I'm not deleting their comments. Read them, be entertained by them. Please don't click them, get phished, and have your identity stolen and your cash converted into bitcoin.


Bonus Gameable Content:

Dr. Odion
Level 3 Specialist
9HP Armor 12
Dagger 1d4 
The inspiration for this NPC
Languages 3-in-6, Alchemy 4-in-6, Medicine 4-in-6
Elias Odion is an accomplished physician and apothecary. He is a servant of those in need alongside his husband Corbin. He provides his services as charity, provided he can do so while avoiding notice from those who distrust herbology and curative medicine beyond simple understanding. He has learned the arts of mundane medicine through study, and excels in the growing field. In addition, he has observed the arts of herbalism and alchemy from his mother and grandmother, both white witches. He is a simple, kind man and an excellent ally for the oppressed.


  1. Oh that's epic! I've had to completely ratchet all my comments out and moderate like crazy. Got a lot of mcaffe monsters as well, obviously 2hd creatures.

  2. I did a monster manual write-up for LORD MARK, the vampire who lives in my comment section:


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