Ref Tips for Running Midvinter
Midvinter is a short cult-centric holiday adventure that is compatible with OSR games. It features wilderness survival and a lot of NPC interaction to explore and resolve cult kidnappings. The party will have to unravel what is going on and find out how to stop and escape the cult while avoiding their outwardly friendly but sinister machinations. Midvinter has the potential to be immersive, but can also be difficult to manage. Here are some suggestions from my experience running Midvinter, for your winter cult murdering pleasure. 1. Take notes: The adventure is focused in its scope, but not tightly written or easily referenced. Reading through it gives a strong sense of the tone and atmosphere, but to streamline exploration in what is supposed to be a small town and interactions with literal dozens of NPCs you should take some really condensed notes. The adventure is laid out by location and lists the inhabitants of each house in the entry. It’s more beneficial to have a list of the N...