Spells That Are Fucking Metal: Glass Earth

source:  https://www.ghostlyactivities.com/using-scrying-communicate-ghosts/Scrying? Scrying is for pussies. What the fuck is it good for? It's not really interactive and it's a cliche. If you could see across the earth or the universe, wouldn't it be a psychedelic, disturbing experience? If you're doing it right, yes. So here's my attempt at making scrying difficult, scary, and useful, but of course with life-altering consequences. Who dares meddle in magic besides the foolish and the mad?

Inspired by Liturgy. A note on them: they were very controversial among metalheads circa 2011 when they made it big with this album, and a lot of "trve" and "kvlt" fans of black metal hated on them a lot. I like them, and fuck you if you have a problem with that, because metal is metal, motherfucker. The track Glass Earth itself isn't really that good, but the album is. Check out High Gold, Returner, and Generation in particular.

Glass Earth

No./Area Affected: Self
Duration: As long as concentration is maintained, up to succumbing to thirst/starvation

Many charlatans claim to be able to see far away places in a crystal ball, mirror or pool. While what they speak of is possible, it is much more complicated. The sun can see the Earth and all that sits upon it, and this power can be harnessed by those who dare to face the sun. This power is more than most mortals can process, as the world is too great for them to fathom in its entirety, as they are accustomed to experiencing only a singular, minuscule perspective.

Glass Earth allows the caster of the spell to see through the whole Earth as if it were invisible, viewing every point and person on it. It is still difficult to pick out a particular person or location, but is possible if the subject knows where to look. In order to use the spell, the caster must stare at the sun for 10 full minutes, uninterrupted. The subject must spend 5d20 minutes searching, without any interruption whatsoever, including speech, movement or any task aside from searching. They may maintain the spell as long as they wish, but must make a save vs poison to continue if starvation or thirst set in. Any actions undertaken other than focusing on the spell require a Risky Casting roll, as well as a roll-under ability score test to succeed, using the attribute most appropriate for the task.

The caster may attempt to summon any object or creature they can see to their location by making a Risky Casting roll with an additional -3 penalty and spending a further 5d20 minutes focusing on the object. A summoned creature enters a frozen state during this process and is drawn through the Earth via the shortest route possible in a straight line, which appears as if they are floating through a viscous, clear liquid. They awaken from their frozen state upon arrival.

Miscast Table

Spell fails. The subject’s eyes turn invisible, revealing the nerves and veins in their empty sockets. This effect lasts for 1d8 days. While this effect lasts, the subject can detect magic and illusions within their sight, and can be detected as magical themselves.
Spell fails. A predatory animal within 1d6 miles is turned invisible for a number of days equal to the caster’s level X2 and is attuned to the subject’s energy. The animal will hunt the subject until this effect ends.
Spell fails. The caster’s image will appear within every mirror for 100 miles in every direction. This effect lasts for 24 hours, during which it will show the subject as if they were in the normal reflection, performing whatever actions they are doing elsewhere.
As normal, but the physical objects around the caster turn insubstantial as well as transparent. Living things around them begin to sink and float through inanimate objects and the ground for a number of rounds equal to double the CL. Being within these objects when they re-solidify will cause damage at least, and dismemberment or death at worst.
As normal, but when it ends the subject must save vs magic or be teleported to the last location they viewed. The save is made with a penalty equal to the number of rounds the subject used the spell.
As normal, but the subject can also hear all the thoughts and voices of the Earth’s creatures. This causes 1d4 points of Intelligence loss, 2d10 points of damage, and deafness lasting 7 days.
As standard Miscast Table result.


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