d20 Weapons for Lucky Idiots (re-posted from Secret Santicore 2017)

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First of all, this content isn't mine. It's from the Secret Santicore 2017 document, written by Trent B. of newfeierland.blogspot.com. The compilation, which came out this year as a beautiful pdf, is full of great content, including a piece by me (Reef Elves for DCC and LotFP), and a piece written for me by Lungfungus of Melancholies and Mirth, featuring bizarre and abstract alternate planes of reality. Check it out!

I had to share this table of weapons for giants. But of course, it applies to the Lucky Idiot, who can use anything as a weapon (it was inspired by a player who wanted to use a Buster/Guts sword) as long as it's not mechanically different from the standard weapon types. Exceptions can be made with Lucky Idiot rolls, and these give a lot of flavor and possibilities for that. So here's a table of ridiculous nonsense for a Lucky Idiot to use, I guess. It doesn't have to make sense.

Giant Weapon
A mud-caked ox-plough
A sharpened windmill
A sturdy chimney
A large moose
A wrecked sailboat
An un-rigged warship’s mast
A huge church door, wrenched from its frame
A watchtower or lighthouse, full of decaying cadavers
A grandfather clock
A huge bronze cross (or other icon) from a temple
A roofless, boarded-up cottage (for capturing)
A rusted portcullis
A giant, patchwork sack filled with peasants and sheep
A huge anchor on a barnacled chain
A millstone on a shaft
A child-stuffed gibbet (for clubbing and capturing)
A gargantuan, defaced statue of a queen or god
A tree wrapped in chains and beartraps
A cauldron of boiling oil chained to a roofing beam
The beam, sling, and counterweight of a trebuchet


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