Spells That Are Fucking Metal: Wicked Fields of Calm

source: http://epicworldhistory.blogspot.com/2012/04/swiss-confederacy.htmlThis one is a take on Mass Charm or something like that. A spell that causes people to do the caster's bidding is boring, and way too utilitarian. Magic doesn't give a fuck about what you want. It does what it does, and you don't have control over it beyond pulling the trigger. And when you pull a trigger, something bad happens- something you can't take back. 

Inspired by a song from Leviathan's album Scar Sighted. Check it out, and holy shit, those growls. Dude sounds like someone having his soul torn apart. Awesome.

Wicked Fields of Calm
No./Area Effected: 2+ people (up to X3 people where X is caster’s level), Line of sight
Duration: Permanent and irreversible

War is a terrible thing. It is unknown why man is driven to kill, when deep in their hearts they know it to be wrong. Rid of this affliction, who knows what great heights nations could reach? Those who know the ways of the universe and the forces that move them realize that war is a necessity, and that its lack brings things which are much worse.

Wicked Fields of Calm affects two or more combatants, forcing them to come to peace. At first, their attacks will merely have no effect, but after 1d6 rounds they will be completely incapable of raising a hand or weapon against any of their former enemies. While their conflict is stilled, their hate remains. Despite their inability to hurt each other, they are now bound by the cosmic forces that drove them to fight against one another, and must serve them in a different way. They are compelled to kill the families and friends of those they must now be at peace with. Most will follow these requirements within reason, balancing this need with their lives and attempting to carry it out when possible to quell their compulsion. 1d10% will continue without regard for food, shelter, or discretion until their mission is complete.

Miscast Table

Spell fails. 2d4 of the combatants join forces to attack the caster.
Spell fails. One side defeats the other in a massacre. The winning side will be the one which most strongly opposes the objectives, beliefs, and safety of the caster, determined by the Ref.
Spell fails. The caster switches bodies with one of the combatants of a randomly determined side until the conflict ends.As normal, but the caster must join one side for 2d10 rounds or suffer 2d4 damage per round they resist. If the caster was already involved in the conflict, they must switch sides until this effect ends.
Spell fails. 1d10 of the combatants on each side are transformed into animal form (either predator or prey, but all of one type) until they kill a combatant on the enemy side or die. This effect causes a panic among the other combatants, forcing a morale check and leaving them with a fear and hatred of magic. They will be suspicious of others and seek to violently persecute practitioners of magic as long as they live.
Spell fails. The combatants drop to the ground and fall into a comatose state for 1d20 days. Attempts to wake them or care for them will be ineffective. They suffer the effects of hunger, thirst, and wounds normally while disabled.
Spell fails. The caster must join one side for 2d10 rounds or suffer 2d4 damage per round they resist. If the caster was already involved in the conflict, they must switch sides until this effect ends.
As standard Miscast Table result.


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