Spells That Are Fucking Metal: The Violent Sleep Of Reason

I always liked to play barbarian characters. Rage is cool. It's pretty badass to be able to just turn off everything except your urge to kill. Shouldn't Magic-Users get a chance? Tapping into the primal forces of the universe should allow them to really fuck stuff up... but of course there are risks to abandoning their rationality.

Not Meshuggah's best album, but it has some awesome moments. Check out MonstroCity.

The Violent Sleep of Reason

No./Area Affected: self
Duration: 10 rounds

As powerful as the reason and structure of man has allowed them to become, atavism is yet more powerful. The wild abandon of nature -and even moreso the destructive strength of the cosmic voids and winds- dwarf what is possible with the pathetic works of humankind.

The Violent Sleep of Reason causes the caster to surrender all control over their actions in exchange for the might of chaos. The caster will enter a fugue of rage and destruction for 10 rounds. At the beginning of the fugue, the caster chooses 4 different actions they wish to perform while in this state. Actions may include casting spells, attacking, moving, or other random or destructive acts. These 4 actions are added to the table below and each round a d12 roll is made to determine the action the character will take. All actions will have the maximum possible effect for range, damage, accuracy, speed, and any other variable included in the action.

A result of 1-4 allows them to choose any of the actions pre-determined, which must then be replaced by a new action. Each time a caster-determined action is rolled, it is crossed out and replaced with another action of the player’s choosing as long as it is not of the same type (a spell may not be replaced with a spell, an attack with an attack, etc). At this time, the caster may attempt a save vs magic, bringing the number of actions up by 1, as the caster seizes some semblance of control from their spasmodic fury. Adding actions changes the die roll to a d20, rerolling any result that does not have a corresponding action on the table.

Action Table
Attack self or the nearest ally
Attack the nearest inanimate object
Attack a randomly determined target
Cast a randomly determined known spell on a random target
Cast the Summon spell from the LotFP Rules & Magic book (p. )
Phase to the astral plane for 1 round
Combine 2 items, 1 of the caster’s choice, 1 of the Ref’s choice, into a single item. The effects of the item are determined by the Ref. Next, the caster and Ref each choose an action for which to use the item, and roll to see who gets to decide. Items remain combined permanently.
Suffer a seizure lasting 1d4 rounds, causing paralysis and 1 point of Con loss/round, save vs paralysis to halve the time. The effects of Violent Sleep of Reason are extended by 1d6 rounds.
Predetermined action of the caster’s choice. The chosen action must be removed from the available options and replaced by a new action.
Miscast Table

Spell fails. The caster gains a random insanity or compulsion, determined randomly or by the Ref.
Spell fails. The caster physically manifests the last thing the player was thinking of. If it is a non-physical object, abstract concept, or vague description, the Ref may determine additional info. If the player cannot remember, then they must free-associate with the other players at the table until the Ref hears something they like, and that manifests.
Spell fails. The caster loses all knowledge of language for the rest of the game session, and may only communicate through haiku, mad-lib, or gestures while this effect lasts.
Spell fails. The caster’s body becomes amorphous, caustic and gelatinous. They are transformed into a random sentient ooze/pudding/slime and their alignment is changed to Chaotic, but they remain under the player’s control and gain 1 level. Each time the caster gains a level (not including the level gained from this result) they may make a save vs magic to shift back to their original form, but the gained level is lost.
As normal, but the caster only gets to add 2 actions to the table and a d10 is rolled.
As normal, but the caster is struck with amnesia when the spell ends and must determine a new identity and personality for the character until they are able to regain their memories. The caster forgets ½ of their total known spells while suffering from amnesia.
As standard Miscast Table result.


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